
Gerriets (Marilyn)

  • s. xx–xxi
  • (agents)
Gerriets, Marilyn, “Theft, penitentials, and the compilation of the early Irish laws”, Celtica 22 (1991): 18–32.
Gerriets, Marilyn, “The king as judge in early Ireland”, Celtica 20 (1988): 29–52.
Gerriets, Marilyn, “Kingship and exchange in pre-Viking Ireland”, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 13 (Summer, 1987): 39–72.
Gerriets, Marilyn, “Economy and society. Clientship according to the Irish laws”, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 6 (1983): 43–61.
Gerriets, Marilyn, The place of the economy in society: clientship in early Christian Ireland according to the ancient Irish laws, Wilfrid Laurier University, Department of Economics, 1979.


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